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  • Conversion Pages - PrestaShop

Conversion Pages - PrestaShop

To congfigure a Conversion Page in Prestashop, ensure that you update the Doofinder plugin to the latest version available on the Prestashop marketplace here. The minimum required version is 4.7.16. We recommend always keeping the latest version of the plugin up to date.

Then, go to your Doofinder Admin, Search Engines > Conversion pages. Then, click on 'Add page' to create and configure the content and SEO fields of the conversion page. Please refer to this documentation if you need help configuring the fields.

Add Conversion Page

Once the changes have been saved, a shortcut is available in the list of created conversion pages to display the corresponding one. The page will be generated using the store's own theme. Any changes made to the configuration will be reflected instantly.

Conversion Page shortcut

Check this Conversion Page created in Prestashop:

 Conversion Page example


If you find that the URL is not working after creating the Conversion Page, please verify the existence of the productlist.tpl file in your theme directory. You can locate this file at the following path: /templates/catalog/_partials/productlist.tpl.

Access the default template from here.

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