In specific cases, the Live Layer option may not be activated in the Advanced tab. To enable it, follow these simple steps:
- Update your module version to the last version.
- In your module manager go to Store > Search Layer > Enable both checks (Doofinder search layer and Doofinder search layer in mobile version), and include your Store ID. You can find your Store ID in your Admin Panel. Go to "Store Settings" and, at the top right corner of the page, your Store ID will be displayed.
- Once finished with the previous steps visit the Plugin Support tab. Scroll down to find and activate the "Enable advanced module tab options" setting.
- Go to Advanced tab and fill in these boxes:
- Doofinder API Key: To access your API Keys go to your Admin Panel > Account > User > API Keys.
- Region: Make sure it is filled with "eu1" or "us1". Otherwise, it won't work. Check your API Key to write the region correctly.
- Enable V9 (Livelayer).
- Inside the Advanced tab, you'll find the option to enable the Live Layer "Activate Layer V9 (Live Layer)".
- Save your changes.