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  • Installation Steps for blogs - DEPRECATED

Installation Steps for blogs - DEPRECATED

You can easily integrate the Doofinder search service into your WordPress site. To do this, in your WordPress administration panel, go to Plugins > Add New > search for doofinder > Install and activate the 'Doofinder' plugin.

install and activate the plugin

Once activated you'll have Doofinder available on the left hand side menu. Go to Doofinder > Doofinder > Authentication tab:

authentication tab

You must add the API key, set the API host and add the HashID.

  • API Key: Your API key can be found in the Doofinder Admin Panel. Click on your profile Icon (in the header) and then on API Tokens.
  • API Host: Verify your zone is correct, followed by your url. e.g.: https://eu1- or https://us1-.
  • Hash ID: Search Engine's Hash ID can be found in the Doofinder Admin Panel. Click on Search Engines, view all, and Hash ID will be visible next to the name of your Search Engine.

Remember to save settings.

Index your Content

To select the type of content you want to index go to Doofinder > Doofinder > Data Settings and choose from the options: Posts, Pages, etc.

select options to index

Now, go to Doofinder > Index Posts and click on 'Index all content'.

Index posts

Once your content is indexed, go to your Doofinder Admin, Search Engines > Settings > Indices and click on configuration to enable the 'Advanced indices configuration' option. This will allow you to view your indices in different tabs.

different tabs


After installation, it is necessary to add the multi-index layer in your Doofinder Admin. To do so, please contact Support through our contact form. If needed, simply log in to your Doofinder admin panel. Click on 'Help' in the top blue bar, then select 'Contact our Support Team’.

More information about the multi-index layer can be found here.

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