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Recommendations (Deprecated)

Deprecated feature. Refer to the following documentation for updated information on the Recommendations product.

You can use Product Recommendations to encourage cross-selling and upselling within your store.

Product Recommendations can be used for home and product pages. In order to work, it is necessary to have the widget script on the store pages. The recommendations widget displays product recommendations based on the following criteria:

  • Home Page: when located on the home page, the widget will display the most visited products.

  • Product Page: when located on a product page, the widget will display similar products based on title, description and categories.

Recommendations screen

Product Recommendations are not the same as the Query for recommended products used in the initial screen of your search. Find more information on Query for recommended products here.

How To Activate Product Recommendations

To activate this feature, go to your Admin > Search Engines > Recommendations. Simply copy and paste the JavaScript code from the box into the corresponding area within your HTML code where you want the recommended products to be displayed:

Activate product recommendations

You can enable/disable the Recommendations, without removing the JavaScript from your code, by checking the 'Status' box.

Also, indicate the number of products you want to show in the carousel. By default, 10 recommended products are displayed. You can increase or decrease this number to suit your needs.

When you disable the recommendation widget from your site, it may continue to render up to 15 minutes later due to cache reasons.

Setup Currency Format In Product Recommendations

If for some reason your currency symbol or format is missing, you can add it to the recommendation script as follows:

  currency-format="%v %s"


Format:currency-format="%v %s"

(%v = currency value)/(%s = currency symbol)

You can choose whether to type the symbol or value first and leave a space or not. For example:

100 € will be %v %S

$100 will be %s%v (no space between)

Product Recommendations In Plugins

If you use one of these plugins and want to implement Product Recommendations in your store, please visit the corresponding link.

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