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Doofinder Step By Step

Maximize efficiency and elevate the search experience for your users. Master essential skills effortlessly with our quick learning path, tailored for you and filled with easy-to-follow video tutorials. Opt for a predetermined sequence or explore specific topics of interest.

For those seeking an in-depth understanding of Doofinder and aiming to unlock its full potential, consider obtaining your "Site Search Expert Certification" through our online Academy, "Doofinder Learn".

Discover more about Doofinder features on our Support Center.

The Basics

1. Explore The Admin Panel

Begin by acquainting yourself with the Admin Panel to identify the locations of various functionalities. Within your Admin Panel, you can oversee everything from stores, search engines, and business rules to your account, settings, statistics, and more.

For additional details on the Admin functions, please refer to our Account & Billing section of the Support Center.

2. Index Your Feed

Ensure proper indexing of the data feed is vital to prevent malfunctions. Utilize the Indices section to upload your feed and initiate the indexing mechanism for effective management.

Explore the Managing Data section in our Support Center for comprehensive information on the Data Feed and optimizing the indexing task.

3. Create a Layer

Apart from the default layer created during the installation process, you can have additional layers tailored to align with our specific business objectives.

While you can generate multiple layers, it's important to note that only one can serve as the active search layer for the store. Feel free to create various layers and choose the behavior that aligns best with your store's needs.

Explore Layers in our Support Center for additional valuable insights.

4. The Playground

After indexing the products, the playground is where you can verify their presence and test the application of various business rules.

In here you can evaluate your search engine, view results, and assess the configuration settings for your product feed.

Optimizing Search Experience

In addition to the essential functionalities outlined below, you can find further details on Doofinder's features in the Managing Results section of our Support Center, aiming to enhance your users' search experience.

5. Filter Configuration

The 'Filters' functionality is used to narrow down search results based on the fields of your data feed. These filters can include attributes like price, product category, brand, size, color, and various other product-specific characteristics.

Explore additional capabilities within the filter's functionality, such as grouping by color, using images as filters, and more. We recommend visiting our "Filters Configuration" documentation for a comprehensive explanation of the feature, including video tutorials.

6. Custom Results

This feature empowers you to selectively include or exclude specific items from search results for particular terms. Tailor your users' browsing experience according to your marketing and sales strategy.

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7. Dynamic Re-Ranking

Dynamic Re-ranking comprises features that can dynamically alter the relevance of products in your search results, depending on the search engine configuration or user behavior. Access these features under 'Business Rules.'

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8. Synonyms

Utilize Doofinder's custom synonyms feature to ensure that results align with terms not typically included in your data feed.

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9. Translations

Translate all texts within the layer originating from the product data feed in the 'Translations' section. Also, add a new language or modify default translations as needed.

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Marketing Tools

Doofinder aims to enhance your marketing strategies and contribute to the success of your business.

10. Promotional Banners

Banners enable you to highlight specific products or marketing campaigns in search results. Customize triggers based on time periods or specific search terms, and opt for a default banner to display across all search results.

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11. Redirections

A redirection directs customers from the search layer to a specific URL when they search for any term. The Redirections option enables customers to find what they need through the search bar, even if the product or information is not within your website.

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Analyze Your Results

12. Statistics Tool

Use this tool to understand customer trends and boost sales. The Statistics tool provides data on search metrics, including search volume, top-clicked products, and new opportunities over a specific period.

Apart from the Stats & Analytics section on our Support website, you'll discover valuable documentation within Layers to elevate the user experience during visits to your store.

Learn more.

We trust you found value in this Quick Learning Path. Please note that feature availability may vary based on your selected plan. Review your plan details here for more information.

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