For a search engine, the layer is simply the user interface with your machine. It is in the layer where all the data of an online store is merged and the information is displayed quickly and accurately to the user.
Doofinder's Live Layer enhances your eCommerce with "popular searches" and "recommended products". It has an attractive and customizable design, which will help shorten the buying process of your customers, guaranteeing them a unique experience.

With this search layer you can enjoy features such us:
- Popular searches: Make life easier for your customers by showing the most clicked searches.
- Recommended Products: Display the most clicked products to your customers before starting the search.
- Search suggestions: Based on your product catalog and learning, suggest searches as your users type.
- Speed: Provides better response times.
- Intelligence: Thanks to the technology provided by artificial intelligence, it shows even more relevant results.
- Voice search: Incorporates voice search on mobile and desktop for your eCommerce.
...and more.
Learn how to easily create your Live layer and more in the section Layers.
If your site is managed by a CMS, you can visit our Plugins Section.