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Store Settings

When Doofinder is installed, a Store is created. This store will have a name, a Store ID (identifier), a related URL, an Industry (a business sector to which it belongs), its different Languages and Currencies for each Search Engine; and it will use a unique script, with a predefined design, for all those Search Engines.

All this information can be found under Store Settings on the left-side menu of the Admin Panel.

What Can Be Done In Store Settings?

To access the Store Settings panel, click the gear icon in the left-side menu or locate it in the top-right corner of the Admin menu. Once there, find "Store Settings" in the list and select it.

In the Store Settings panel, you can manage your Store’s information, modify your set up, or even delete a Store.

Once you are in the Store Settings panel, you will find the Store ID information on the right side of the screen. Then, it is divided into three sections:

  • On the first section you will find the Store Name, the Store URL and the Industry.

  • On the second one, your Languages and Currencies for each Search Engine, a Google Analytics Account box to link your account, and the Installation Script.

  • On the third one, the Sales Data Configuration section to track sales and unlock some of Doofinder’s discovery features.

Keep reading for a complete definition of each setting.

Store ID

It is the identifier code of your store, also referred as "Installation ID". Check this example below:

Store id

Store Name

This name will be used to identify the Store in the Admin Panel. Edit the name of your Store in this block.

Store URL

The URL of your Store, as typed in the web browser.


Enter an Industry sector to optimize the search experience based on the type of products you sell in your eCommerce.

If you are using AI SynonymBoost, remember to choose the appropriate sector.

Industry sector

Search Engine Language & Currency

Choose the default Search Engine that will display results for each combination of language and currency. Add as many languages and currencies as you have in your store, link them to the corresponding Search Engine or erase the combination for the Layer.


Google Analytics account / Measurement ID

Integrate Doofinder with GA4 to track and measure your user's traffic. For more information read the article Activate GA in your Store.

Measurement Protocol API secret

This information is required in case you are using a Google Analytics 4 property.

enter ga information

Installation Single Script

The Doofinder script is the JavaScript code Doofinder provides once you’ve created an account while signing in as a new user. You can always find the Doofinder Script on your Admin Panel > Store Settings > scroll down to “Installation Script” and you’ll find it displayed.

copy the script

Default Script

This is the single script with minimum configuration (store and zone):

   <script src="" async></script>

This script contains:

  • Zone “”

Zone must be configured depending on the EU zone or US zone (your online store zone). “eu1” if your zone is Europe or “us1” if your zone is the United States.

  • Store ID: is your Store ID code followed by “.js”.

For more information, go to Installing Doofinder.

Sales Data Configuration

In this section you can configure your checkout and payment URLs to register sales and unlock the potential of some of Doofinder features’, such as Conversion Rate, or the Best Seller logic.

You’ll find three areas to configure: Checkout Summary Pages URLs, Payment Confirmation Page URLs, and Edit CSS Checkout Summary.

Learn how to set up Sales Data configuration.

Sales Data panel

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