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  • Uninstallation Magento

Uninstallation Magento

Version from 0.5.0

You can remove the Doofinder module using this straightforward method:

www-data@...:/app# bin/magento module:uninstall Doofinder_Feed --remove-data

Version up to 0.4.14 (included)

To uninstall the module, execute the following command on the root folder where your Magento is installed:

bin/magento module:uninstall Doofinder_Feed Doofinder_FeedCompatibility

If there is any problem with the uninstalling process of the plugin, you need to make sure that:

  • The composer tool is accessible by Magento (type down composer in your terminal and see if there is any response)
  • The established memory limit for your PHP is equal or higher than 4 GB (this is configured in your php.ini file)

Verify this module is no longer in your installed modules list. To check this out, run:

bin/magento module:status Doofinder_Feed Doofinder_FeedCompatibility

and check the response.

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