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  • Installation Steps - Vtex

Installation Steps - Vtex

To access the backoffice, in the shop url add /admin and log in.

Go to Apps > App Store, search for Doofinder and click on install.

click on install

Please note that the region must be "eu1" or "us1", and the language must be the shortened locale, e.g. "en" or "es".


Once installed, you need to generate an API token that will be used later during the Store creation. To do this, go to: Account Settings > Account Management > Application Keys > Manage My Keys > Generate New

Manage my keys

When adding a new key, make sure that both values are saved, since the token value is only retrieved on creation and, for security reasons, can no longer be accessed.

Add a new key
Check keys values

Store creation

Now it is time to create a Store in the Doofinder Admin Panel. If this is the first time you are installing it, a pop-up wizard will appear, and you just need to click on Create Store. If not, click on the Store icon in the top blue bar and hit the Create Store button.

Enter your store URL and select VTEX from the platform dropdown menu, if it has not been added automatically after entering your URL. Click Continue.

Enter your store URL

Select the settings of the Store according to the ones that best suit your platform.

Enter your store settings

Now, enter your account name, the application key and the application token generated in the previous step. Click on Create.

Please note that the account name needs to match the first part before the domain in which the Admin is located. e.g.:

  • Domain:
  • Account name: doofinderpartneres
Enter your keys information

Once all these settings are ready, the Search Engine will index your catalog.

Script And Layer Configuration

Once you have created the Store and the Search Engine with the VTEX wizard you can configure the Layer.

In VTEX Backoffice, go to Apps, search for Doofinder and click on Settings. Paste your Store ID where it says Doofinder Installation ID and Save.

Your Store ID is located in the Doofinder Admin Panel under Store Settings. Find more information here.

integrate your layer

Now you need to set the values, and you are ready to go. The values must be set in the IO edition of VTEX. For the legacy edition, it should not be necessary, however it is highly recommended.

Please note, these values apply to the Live Layer script, so you need to generate that script and set the installation ID, not the Search Engine.

Also, when creating the Live Layer script, you will need to set the DOM value where the searches are written. In this case, the value we entered for the selector to find was.


You are now ready to go!

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