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Filters Configuration and Fallback

Filters Configuration

Create rules to filter the recommended products displayed. You can define General Rules for all page types, and create IF THEN filters on specific product pages.

To add a filter go to “Filter results” section. Enable the option and choose in which Search Engine you want to add a filter.

All the Search Engines added before to show the carousel will appear on this section. The first one will be the same as the first Search Engine on your list.

Once you know which Search Engine you want to add a filter to, click on the dropdown menu and select “Start configuring filters”.

add filter results

General Filters

This condition will dynamically filter products based on the field value of the product being viewed. You can add as many fields as needed, clicking on “+Add Condition”.

The widget will display products that meet ALL conditions.

You can decide if the carousel attributes shown match the condition selected, which fulfills “is” or “is not” condition.

Learn by Example - General Filters

You have in your store every kind of apparel of the brand Adidas. But want to display in your carousel only white products from the brand Adidas, excluding clothes. So you will write: ‘“brand” is “Adidas”, “color” is “white”, and “categories” is not “clothes”. That will make your carousels display white Adidas apparel without clothes.

filter configuration

Contextual Filters: IF (Context), THEN (Consequences)

If you choose a specific product page (Product Pages, Custom Pages, or Specific Pages), the following button “add IF THEN filters” will appear on the right side of the “Filter results” panel:

filter configuration IF THEN

To create an IF THEN filter, click on it. This filter allows you to set conditions based on the context in which it’s applied. You can specify whether the carousel attributes shown should match a selected condition (IF), which can fulfill an “is” or “is not” criterion, followed by a consequence (THEN) for meeting that condition.

Learn By Example - IF THEN Filter

If (IF) the product the customer sees is from the Nike brand, then (THEN) the carousel will display products also from the Nike brand that is the same brand as viewed and from the shoes category.

This is what you will see:

recommendations filter configuration

Once saved:

recommendations filter configuration

When the “IF THEN filter” matches the product viewed, the General filter is NEVER applied. When using any of these filters, if the results from the primary logic are less than the configured “Number of Products To Display”, the missing positions will be filled with the same logic but without applying any Filters. If after this, the total results are less than 5, then it will be replaced with the Fallback (if enabled).


Fallback is an optional feature that ensures your Recommendations carousel is filled with products even when the primary logic returns fewer than 5 results.

Fallback enablement is not mandatory, keep it activated according to your preferences of carousel display and business goals.

When to enable or disable Fallback

  • When fallback is inactive (Disabled): Recommendations always display products from the primary logic, no matter how many results are returned.

  • When fallback is active (Enabled): Fallback results are shown only if the primary logic returns fewer than 5 results. Fallback displays Most Popular logic and shows the Number of products to display chosen. If Fallback is displayed because the logic shows fewer than 5 products, the Carousel Public Title won’t be visible, neither the logic selected.

fallback  configuration

Fallback and Filters

When applying filters (whether general or contextual), if the filters do not return enough products to fill the carousel, Doofinder will automatically add additional products to reach the desired number of displayed items. These extra products are selected based on the main logic without applying the filters. This ensures that the carousel is fully populated, even when the filters do not return the exact number of items requested. If Fallback is enabled and the carousel still shows fewer than 5 products under these conditions, the Fallback will override both the logic and the filters.

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