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Installing Doofinder

Doofinder can be quickly and easily integrated with any web or eCommerce solution.

If you have a custom site that does not use a plugin for its eCommerce site, it is still possible to integrate the Doofinder search into your site. To install it, ensure that you have the following ready:

Pre-requisites to install Doofinder

Doofinder account.

Product data feed.

If you are using a CMS, please visit our plugins section to install Doofinder in your site.

Installation Steps

Doofinder can be installed in four easy steps. If you already have a Doofinder account, please log in, otherwise you can register for one.

Click on Create Store to begin the installation process.

create store

Step 1: Create a Store

Enter the complete URL of your website, then select Other in the field of the platform you are using and click on Continue.

enter the url of the store

Step 2: Create a Search Engine

In this step, you will define the configuration of your Search Engine. You can choose a name, a language, a currency and a business sector.

Name: By default, Doofinder uses the URL entered during the previous step, but you can type a name of your choice. This name will be applied to the Store, the Search Engine and the Layer.

Language: Select a language from the dropdown menu. Note that the language code selected must match the source HTML language code. If the HTML of your website is in lang="en", then you must select "en" only and not "en-UK".

Currency: Choose a currency.

Sector: Select the sector that applies to your Store.

create the search engine

Once done, click on Continue.

Step 3: Index a feed

It is time to index your feed. You can choose to use a file or an API (for this example, we will use the available sample feed).

– File Feed: Enter your feed URL or drop the CSV, XML file.

– API: Visit our API documentation.

Now you need to enter the search input CSS selector to indicate where on the website you want to trigger the Layer when the customer clicks.

If you want to learn how to choose the CSS selector, read this article.

enter css selector

Then click Create.

Step 4: Generate your script

You are almost done!

Simply copy and paste the script into the body section of your HTML. It needs to be placed in either the footer or header section to ensure it's applied to all pages consistently throughout your website.

copy the script

Click Close and go to Search Engines > Settings > Indices to check if the process ended up right.

If you want to integrate your Layer script via Google Tag Manager (GTM) take a look at this article.

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