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The Admin Panel

Inside your Admin Panel you can manage your Stores, from Search Engines and Business Rules to your Account, Settings, Statistics, and much more.

Navigation is simple and intuitive. After logging in, you will find a side menu on the left with information and functionalities of your Store, Search Engines and Layers. In the blue navigation bar at the top you will find, on the left, the store you are in; and, on the right, you will be able to access your account and profile information.

Our Admin Panel is divided into four areas:

  1. Account
  2. Store
  3. Search Engines
  4. Layers
Admin Panel Areas

1. Account

In the Account section you can access all the details related to you profile, plan, billing, etc. To view this information, simply click on Account in the blue top bar.

Account details

If you click on General on the left side menu, you will be able to access the following information:

  • Overview (Account information screen)
  • Usage
  • Plan
  • Billing Information
  • Payments & Invoices

If your select User you will find:

  • Profile
  • API Keys
  • Team Members
  • Logout

You can find a shortcut to this section on the user icon in the top right navigation bar.

To go back to the Admin Panel, click on Admin. If you want to log out, click on the User icon and then log out.

click on user icon

  • Find more information about the User Profile in this article.

2. Store

When you install Doofinder, you create a Store. To see the Store you are in, just take a look at the top blue bar, and there you will find the information. If you click on it, you will be able to see your list of Stores or even create a new one.

create a store

Under Store Settings, you will find important information related to your Store, such as your Store ID and your Installation Script.

In this section, you can edit the Store name and sector, manage some basic configurations of your Layers, add your Google Analytics account and delete a Store.

Store settings section

3. Search Engines

In the Search Engines menu of your Admin Panel, you will find many of Doofinder's features that will help you customize your search. But first, view the Search Engine you are currently in or create a new one by simply clicking on its name.

Search engines section

Let's take a look at the categories found in the Search Engine's menu. From here you can access your Playground, Stats, Business Rules and Settings.

  • Playground: View all the items in your Store and test your Business Rules to see how your Search Engine behaves.

  • Stats: You'll find Searches, Filters and Real Time Stats.

  • Business Rules: Under this section you'll find most of the core features of Doofinder, such us: Dynamic Re-Ranking, Custom Results, Excluded Results, Banners, Redirections, Synonyms, Search Personalization and Recommendations.

  • Settings: You can access important areas such as your General Settings, Security, Indices, Suggestions, Filters, Search Fields, Custom Sorting and V7 Layer Setup (if applicable).

  • Check our article Doofinder Features for more information.

4. Layers

In this section, you can select your Layer or create a new one by clicking on its name. Also, you can access the Layer General Seettings, customize its appearance and add a language translation.

Layers section

  • Visit our Layers section for more information.

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