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  • Installation - Shopware 6

Installation - Shopware 6

To begin the installation process, you need to go to your Doofinder Admin Panel to create your Store. If this is a first-time installation, a pop-will appear to enter the following information, if not, click on your Store name and Create Store:

create a store in doofinder admin
  1. Type the URL of your Shopware store.
  2. Enter the platform you are using. In this case select Shopware from the dropdown menu.
  3. Click on the corresponding Shopware version button to download the Doofinder plugin to your Shopware account. For this guide, we will click on Install Doofinder Extension for Shopware 6.
  4. You will be redirected to Shopware to download the free plugin. Once there, click on the green button and finish the process.

    select the shopware version
  5. Now, go to your Shopware backend, Extensions (Erweiterungen) > My Extensions (Meine Erweiterungen) > Install APP (APP installieren) to install the plugin.
download doofinder plugin

Click on App Installieren.

Install App

Once done, you need to activate the plugin.

Activate the plugin

Here, be sure to add:

  • API Key: Your API key can be found in the Doofinder Admin Panel. Click on your profile Icon (in the header) and then on API Keys.
  • Integration type: DooFinder Live Layer – I'm Doomanager konfiguriert.

The API Key number must be the copied from the Owner's account.

When we talk about Doofinder Layer integration type, you will find four options. For this configuration we are using option number 4 Live Layer which is the option we recommend to use.

  • Native: Shopware native search engine with shopware look and feel but the results and the algorithm it uses is Doofinder.

  • Intedia CDN: Uses Doofinder V7 Layer, but the settings are done through Shopware. Changes made in the Doofinder Admin Panel in the Legacy V7 Layer option will not be applied.

  • Doofinder: V7 Layer with Doofiner Admin Panel Settings. Changes made in the Doofinder Admin Panel in the Legacy V7 Layer option will be applied.

  • Doofinder Live Layer: fully configured from the Doofinder Admin Panel.

see layer options

Then, enable the Doofinder Suche aktivieren option at the top.

complete the fields

You also need to add the Base option in the Doofinder template block to ensure script generation.

select base template block

Then go to Einstellungen > Erweiterungen > DooFinder

go to doofinder option

Now, please click on Stores to connect your site with Doofinder.

click on search engines

Select DooFinder Store Erstellen:

select ddofinder store

Add the required information:

Add the required information
  • Name.
  • Trigger point (can be left blank if default is used).
  • Select the desired URL.

If your Store is already created you can skip the step above. If you have more than one domain, check which one you are currently using in production.

Next, go back the previous screen and click on Search Engines:

click on search engines

Next, click on the three dots of the existing Search Engine in order to activate it. Select Verknüpfen as there is an existing Search Engine connected to your domain.

click on konfiguration

On the next screen you will be able to enter the Doofinder Store and Search Engine Hash Id. Once you click on each box, the options to select (if any) will be displayed. Next, click on Verlinken.

select verknupfen

Once active you'll see this information:

search e list

Feed generation

Now that your Search Engine is created, you need to index your data feed. To get the URL of your feed you have to go to your Shopware backend, Verkaufskanäle, scroll down to API-Zugang and copy the Export-URL.


If you cannot find Doofinder under Verkaufskanäle, click on the three dots next to the "+" sign to search for it.

Then, go back to your Doofinder Admin > Settings > Search Engines and paste the URL of the feed and click on Process Now.

Paste feed url

You can check the indexing status in your Plugin by going to Doofinder > Search Engines > Index status.


The fullscreen Live Layer will be enabled by default, on desktop and mobile. If you want to create a new Layer, see this document Create a Layer.

Also, in your Doofinder Admin Panel, under Store Settings you can check if the CSS selector of your Layer is OK and check the Search Engine languages if you have more than one.

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