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  • Installation Steps - WooCommerce

Installation Steps - WooCommerce

The Doofinder plugin can be used on your Wordpress site for blog post search and/or on your WooCommerce site for product search. Depending on your site, Doofinder will set up your store to index one or the other. If you are using both, all of your content will be indexed.

Let's say you have WooCommerce installed and you enable Doofinder. Your product catalog will be indexed by default, and you will be able to add the index of your blog later on from our Admin Panel. If you are only using Wordpress, a post index will be created for you instead.

If you are already using both (Wordpress and WooCommerce), all your content will be indexed and you can separate them by setting a Multi-Index Layer on the results screen.

Our plugin works both ways, products and posts. To learn more about how to create additional indices, visit this link.

How to install it

To install and activate Doofinder in your Store, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Plugins > Add New and type doofinder in the search box and click on Install Now in the Doofinder WP & WooCommerce Search option.
  2. Doofinder WP & WooCommerce Search
  3. Next, click on Activate to activate the plugin.
  4. Doofinder WP & WooCommerce Search activate
  5. Go to Plugins > Installed Plugins and find your newly installed Doofinder plugin. Click on the Run Setup Wizard button to start the configuration.
  6. run setup wizard
  7. Now follow these two simple steps to complete the installation process.
    • Step 1: Choose your business sector from the dropdown menu and click on Next.
    • setup wizard step 1
    • Step 2: Log in with an existing account or sign up and we'll create one for you.
setup wizard step 2

Follow the login/registration flow and once done, the Index, Search Engines and Layer will be created automatically. Simply wait for the wizard to finish the configuration.


Once installed, you will be redirected to your Doofinder Settings. From here you can check you indexing status at the top of the screen, enable/disable the search Layer and set the intervals for the update on save option under General Settings.

indexing status
general settings
  • API Key: It can be found in the Doofinder Admin Panel. Click on your profile Icon (in the header) and then on API Keys.

  • Search Engine Hash ID: Search Engine's Hash ID can be found in the Doofinder Admin Panel. Click on Search Engines, view all, and Hash ID will be visible next to the name of your Search Engine.

  • Update on save: Select the time interval in which you want your information to be updated.

  • JS Layer Script: That is your Doofinder installation script.

Once the indexing task is finished, your Layer will be enabled.

You can also check your indexing status in your Doofinder Admin Panel by going to Search Engines > Settings > Indices.

setup wizard step 1


A Fullscreen Live Layer will be generated and activated by default. To create a new layer or customize it, check these articles Create a Layer and Appearance.


The script is generated automatically during the installation process.

Search Engine

The Search Engine is automatically created.

Custom Attributes

If you have installed the plugin for the first time, starting from version 2.0.0, you will need to configure the custom attributes to be indexed automatically. To do this, go to the product data tab, click on the attributes dropdown menu, select the desired attribute and click on the "+" button. Always remember to save your changes.

add your custom attribute

If you already had custom attributes configured in versions prior to 2.0.0, your previous settings for custom attributes will remain intact.

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