Understanding which requests are made on your site is beneficial because you can know which of your products are in high demand and which are not.
The requests consumption of your Doofinder account is derived from three factors:
- API Requests
- Search Requests
- Recommendation Requests
API Requests
The number of items in your data feed. Each time your feed is processed either manually or automatically, requests are counted. The number of requests collected in the process is the number of items processed divided by 100. If 1000 products are processed, then 10 requests are counted. Also, note that Doofinder will compare the data already indexed with your feed's content when reindexing a feed. If there's a difference, Doofinder will reindex the entire feed. If there's no need to modify the index, Doofinder will not process any request.
If you choose to index through API, you can do this manually or through plugins.
Manually: This way, you can send a request to the index for each product, processing one request per API call. You can also go for bulk modification and perform up to 100 updates within one request. Finally, it could also depend on the number of calls to your API, search, or Management, whereby OneAPI call = One request.
Through Plugins: In some platforms, the Doofinder plugin can index in real-time to reflect your catalogue at all times in the Doofinder index. These platforms include WooCommerce, Magento2, Shopify, BigCommerce, Shopware and JTL.
Finally, navigation within the Doofinder Admin Panel generates requests, for instance, within the statistics page.
Search Requests
When using the Doofinder Layer, the number of actual queries from your users from the search box on your web page generate requests. One single search usually consists of several requests to Doofinder's servers. This will vary depending on the features you are using. For example:
If you go by multi-indices search, Doofinder will perform a different request to each index when searching.
Suggestions have their own index. When active, each search will generate a new request to the suggestion index.
Filters: when the user clicks in the filters section for filtering, a request is made to our servers.
Pagination: when scrolling within the Doofinder Layer, new pages will load to display more products. Each page will then generate a new request. The number of products per page will depend on the results per page as configured in the script. The default value is usually 30 results per page.
Recommendation Requests
Recommendations: Each time the recommendation carousel appears on a page, it is counted as 1 request.
You can check your requests consumption in your Admin Panel under the Usage section, the total amount, or by individually selecting your Search Engines.
In the Usage section, the API requests graphic includes all indexing requests, whether a feed or API. Queries graphic includes both Layers and Search API requests.
For more information on requests, please read the article Account Usage.
What happens if I exceed the Requests in my Plan?
Occasionally, there are usage peaks that may lead to exceeding the allotted number of requests. If you exceed the assigned number of requests in your plan, Doofinder will cease functioning on your site and your native search will be reinstated instead. To avoid any interruption, we offer you several options to continue enjoying the benefits of Doofinder:
- Upgrade your plan: Increase the number of requests by upgrading your current plan. Learn more.
- Buy a request pack: Secure additional request capacity by purchasing an add-on pack. Learn more.
- Activate the Non-stop service: Maintain uninterrupted service by activating the Non-stop service feature. Learn more.